Pelovit - Peoria, Illinois

Дата: 21:00, 21 окт. 2020
Объявления: Разное
Номер: 23274
Автор: Pavel R

Allergic Rhinitis Tonsillitis Psoriasis Eczema Arthrosis Joints Treatment PELs Recommendations Properties buy store of traditional medicine. Colds Treatment Prevention Pelotherapy at home by natural extracts. Mud therapy (pelotherapy) is one of the most ancient methods of treatment in sanatorium-resort conditions. Mankind for many centuries, uses mud for the treatment of chronic diseases. Therapeutic muds (peloids) - natural colloidal organic and mineral formations (silt, peat and hill), with high elasticity, heat capacity and emissivity. They contain biologically active substances (salts, gases, vitamins, enzymes, hormones, etc.) and live microorganisms. Peloids consist of a crystalline skeleton, which are compounds of silicon, aluminum, gypsum, carbonates and phosphates of calcium, carbonates, magnesium and other water-insoluble compounds. The skeleton also create indivisible remains of flora. The quality of dirt depends on the degree of dispersion of the particles. The smaller coarse particles, the higher the degree of dispersion, the better plastic and the healing properties of mud. The mortar or mud the liquor has a complex composition and contains: minerals; water-soluble salts in the anions form of chlorine; sulphates; carbonates; cations of ammonium; cations of potassium; cations of sodium; cations of magnesium; cations of calcium; cations of iron. Pels properties. Pels- liquid biostimulant, a natural product derived from therapeutic mud, transparent, without foreign impurities, slightly opalescent liquid. Pels possesses powerful: anti-inflammatory effect; resolving effect; desensitizing effect; biostimulation effect; decongestants effect; painkillers effect; draining effect; cleaning effect. Pels contains in its composition: sodium; magnesium; potassium; chlorine; bromine; iodine; sulphates; bicarbonates; microelements; organic compounds; humic body; hydrogen sulfide and other substances. Volume: 250 ml

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